2023-05-13 published.
This service was developed as a hobby.
nyaan is a service that allows you to easily post cat meows to Twitter. It is built entirely in Pure JavaScript and is a study of the recent PWAs. It utilizes netlify's functionality to dynamically generate Twitter cards.
Kindness web page is this site. Various pages are automatically converted from markdown files to HTML.
ごちうサイクル - ご注文はサイクルですか? - is a website completely made up of stories. You can just turn the cute icons. It is also in 3D.
総人口推移グラフ was construct as a sample response to a フロントエンドコーディング試験. It was to gauge how quickly I could build it with my current abilities. The base part took 3 hours to complete and Ver 1 took about 7 hours. Including refactoring, etc, it would be completed in a week with one hand on the job, as per the immediate goal.